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Как вы относитесь к этой группе?Нравится ли она вам?Ответ аргументируйте плиз)))



Две проститутки лезбиянки! Меня бесит их имидж, хотя песни попадаются неплохие.....Фу! Я как вспомню, когда они только начинали с образом лезби....Бе-е-е-е-е! Сначала нравились за пение, но потом прислушалась, а ведь они поют так же, как и все - пищат! Больше всего раздражает темненькая.....фу! Противно даже говорить!



Tane4ka написал(а):

Две проститутки лезбиянки!

если ты их не любишь не обязательно их  оскорблять!!!!

Tane4ka написал(а):

Фу! Я как вспомню, когда они только начинали с образом лезби....Бе-е-е-е-е!

Они просто хотели всем доказать,что они не ротив однополой любви!они за меньшинство!!!а на самом деле они же не ЛЕСБИ!!!!

Tane4ka написал(а):

Сначала нравились за пение, но потом прислушалась, а ведь они поют так же, как и все - пищат! Больше всего раздражает темненькая.....фу! Противно даже говорить!

не согласна с тобой вообще тут!!!!!!



Fyz'ka написал(а):

если ты их не любишь не обязательно их  оскорблять!!!!


Fyz'ka написал(а):

Они просто хотели всем доказать,что они не ротив однополой любви!они за меньшинство!!!а на самом деле они же не ЛЕСБИ!!!!

Они это доказали и теперь лесбиянок стало намного больше.....Это не нормально! Я не против однополой любви, но если это действительно - ЛЮБОВЬ, а не понты....(

Fyz'ka написал(а):

не согласна с тобой вообще тут!!!!!!

Твое право)



Tane4ka написал(а):

Я не против однополой любви, но если это действительно - ЛЮБОВЬ, а не понты....(

Понты?!?Издеваешься чтоли?!?!?Таких людей все ненавидят !!Какие понты?!?!?Это просто такая любовь!

Кто что еще о них думает??



А мне лично они очень нравятся... На их имидж мне глубоко наплевать,мне очень нравятся их песни. Не особо банальные с интересным текстом.Мне они нравятся



SON написал(а):

А мне лично они очень нравятся... На их имидж мне глубоко наплевать,мне очень нравятся их песни. Не особо банальные с интересным текстом.Мне они нравятся




Ой....люблю их...миленькие девчёночки....Татушки рулят!



ага!!ТАТУ релез!!!!!!



T.a.t.u одна из моих
любимых групп
Песни интересные
И что самое главное, не надоедают)



Sugar_Gangster написал(а):

T.a.t.u одна из моих
любимых групп
Песни интересные
И что самое главное, не надоедают)

Ага))Точно подметила))))Их песни вечны!!!



далеко не все мировые звезды добиваются такого успеха, которым ознаменовался дебют t.A.T.u. в США — после первой недели продаж сингл "All The Things She Said" дебютировал в чартах сразу на 7 месте. А в последнюю неделю сентября прочно укрепил свои позиции: #4 - Single sales chart (soundscan), #5 - Club Play Charts (Billboard).
...Зима 2003 - клип "All the Things She Said" на первых местах хит-парадов Британии...4 недели подряд...

...2002-2003 клипы "All the Things She Said" (Я Сошла с Ума) и "Not Gonna Get Us" (Нас не Догонят) попадают в тяжелую ротацию теле-радио эфира (30-40 раз в неделю) на всех западно - европейских каналах, в том числе и на MTV Великобритания, MTV США, MTV Азия, MTV Латинская Америка...
Синглы "How Soon Is Now?" (The Smiths кавер— версия) и "30 Minutes" три месяца ротируется по B-категории (24 показа в неделю)...

..."All The Things She Said" самая ротируемая песня 2003 года - прозвучала в эфире более 2 миллионов раз!...
═══════════ ИСТОРИЯ ════════════

...дуэт "Тату" Придуманная история о двух девочках, которые сошли с ума от любви и страсти друг к другу.
Лена Катина и Юля Волкова: Та-Ту
...дуэт с загадочным названием "Тату" появился внезапно. Как взрыв. Никто, в общем-то, и не знал - что это, ведь кроме как участницы детской группы "Непоседы" они не были известны. Зато песню "Я Сошла с Ума", ворвавшуюся в верхние строчки российских хит-парадов осенью 2000 года знали все ... целующиеся под дождем молоденькие девочки заворожили и одновременно взбудоражили общественность, внеся свежую струю в шоу-бизнес...

...t.A.T.u. российский музыкальный феномен. Поп-дуэт стал первым проектом в мировой истории музыки, чей дебютный альбом достиг мультиплатинового статуса сразу в двух языковых версиях-русской "200 по встречной" и английской "200 Km/h In The Wrong Lane"...

...второй альбом "Dangerous and Moving" / "Люди Инвалиды" закрепил статус супер— группы во всем мире от США, Мексики и Аргентины до Малайзии, Тайваня и Японии...

...несмотря на вторую беременность Юли, t.A.T.u. записали новый альбом под названием "Управление отбросами". Сразу за русской версией альбома следует англоязычная – "Waste management".
...первым синглом стала песня Белый Плащик, клип на песню был запрещен к показу на Муз Тв. Подогревает скандальность клипа тот факт, что каналы, решившиеся транслировать "Белый плащик" приняли в эфир цензурную версию. Можно только догадываться – что было в полной версии "Белого плащика", которая, рано или поздно, будет выпущена на суд поклонников...
...релиз третьего студийного альбома t.A.T.u. намечен на весну 2008 года...

════════ ЛУЧШИЕ САЙТЫ o t.A.T.u. ═══════
══════════ Чат группы ТАТУ ═══════════



30 Minutes

Out of sight
Out of mind
Out of time
To decide

Do we run ?
Should I hide ?
For the rest
Of my life

Can we fly ?
Do I stay ?
We could lose
We could fail

In the moment
It takes
To make plans
Or mistakes

30 minutes, a blink of an eye
30 minutes to alter our lives
30 minutes to make up my mind
30 minutes to finally decide

30 minutes to whisper your name
30 minutes to shoulder the blame
30 minutes of bliss, thirty lies
30 minutes to finally decide

In the sky
That we shape
With our eyes

Under shade
Casting shade
Crying rain

Can we fly ?
Do I stay ?
We could lose
We could fail

Either way
Options change
Changes fail
Trains derail

30 minutes, a blink of an eye
30 minutes to alter our lives
30 minutes to make up my mind
30 minutes to finally decide

30 minutes to whisper your name
30 minutes to shoulder the blame
30 minutes of bliss, thirty lies
30 minutes to finally decide

To decide
To decide, to decide, to decide

To decide
To decide, to decide, to decide

To decide.



All about us

They say,
Don't trust,
You, me,
We, us,
So we'll fall,
We must,
Just you, me,
And it's all about,
It's all about

It's all about us, all about us
It's all about, all about us
All about us
There's a theme that they can't touch
'cause you know (us)

It's all about us, all about us
It's all about, all about us
All about us
We'll run away if we must
'cause you know (us)

It's all about us (It's all about us)
It's all about us (It's all about us)
In you I can trust (It's all about us)
It's all about us

If they
Hurt you,
They hurt
Me too,
So we'll
Rise up,
Won't stop,
And it's all about,
It's all about,

It's all about us, all about us
It's all about, all about us
All about us
There's a theme that they can't touch
'Cause you know (us)

It's all about us, all about us
It's all about, all about us
All about us
We'll run away if we must
'Cause you know (us)

It's all about us (It's all about us)
It's all about us (It's all about us)
In you I can trust (It's all about us)
It's all about us

They don't know,
They can't see,
Who we are,
Fear is the enemy,
Hold on tight,
Hold on to me,
'Cause tonight,

It's all about us,
It's all about, all about us
There's a theme that they can't touch
'Cause you know (us)

It's all about us, all about us
It's all about, all about us
All about us
There's a theme that they can't touch
'Cause you know (us)

It's all about us, all about us
It's all about, all about us
All about us
We'll run away if we must
'Cause you know (us)

It's all about us (It's all about us)
It's all about us (It's all about us)
In you I can trust (It's all about us)
It's all about us!
It's all about us



All The Things She Said

All the things she said
All the things she said
Running through my head
All the things she said
All the things she said
Running through my head
This is not enough

I'm in serious s--t, I feel totally lost
If I'm asking for help it's only because
Being with you has opened my eyes
Could I ever believe such a perfect surprise?

I keep asking myself, wondering how
I keep closing my eyes but I can't block you out
Wanna fly to a place where it's just you and me
Nobody else so we can be free

All the things she said
All the things she said
Running through my head
All the things she said
All the things she said
Running through my head
This is not enough
This is not enough

All the things she said
All the things she said

And I'm all mixed up, feeling cornered and rushed
They say it's my fault but I want her so much
Wanna fly her away where the sun and rain
Come in over my face, wash away all the shame
When they stop and stare - don't worry me
‘Cause I'm feeling for her what she's feeling for me
I can try to pretend, I can try to forget
But it's driving me mad, going out of my head

Mother looking at me
Tell me what do you see?
Yes, I've lost my mind

Daddy looking at me
Will I ever be free?
Have I crossed the line?

Clowns (can You See me Now ?)

Can you see me now ?
Can you see me now ?

All this weeping in the air
Who can tell where it will fall ?
Through floating forests in the air
'Cross the rolling open sea

Blow a kiss, I run through air
Leave the past, find nowhere
Floating forests in the air
Clowns all around you

Clowns that only let you know
Where you let your senses go
Clowns all around you
It's a cross I need to bear

All this black and cruel despair
This is an emergency
Don't you hide your eyes from me
Open them and see me now

Can you see me now ?
Can you see me now ?

Can you see ?
Can you see ?
See me here in the air
Not holding on to anywhere
But holding on so beware
I have secrets I won't share

See me here pushing you
If I then deny I do
Contemplate or wish away
If I ask you not to stay

Clowns that only let you know
Where you let your senses go
Clowns all around you
It's a cross I need to bear

All this black and cruel despair
This is an emergency
Don't you hide your eyes from me
Open them and see me now




Games we don’t want to play
Same winner everyday
Kill for the second best
Feel no more, feel no lessWe have our minutes cut
We lose our feelings but
That’s what the movies show
This is where stories goStars we don’t want to reach
Scars we don’t want to stitch
Go where we haven’t been
Fly away, time machineCloud we will chase him out
Crowds, we will face them down
This is our secret place
Outer space, outer spaceOur home forever is outer space
Black stars and endless seas, outer space
You hold your destinies, outer space
Forever we'll be in
Outer space, outer spaceGround we don’t want to feel
Found what they didn’t steal
Time, we were really lost
Bridges burnt, fingers crossedWe, shall we ever be free
With no guarantee
Life on another plane
Same before, same againGo where you want to go
So no one ever knows
Only what we decide
Is it gone
Has it diedDry every tear in my eye
You can tell me why
This is our secret place
Outer space, outer spaceOur home forever is, outer space
Black stars and endless seas, outer space
You hold your destinies, outer space
Forever we'll be in
Outer Space, outer spaceOuter space is where we get together
And this place we’re meant to be
Stars are dancing and the time is fading
Dead forever,
You and me,
You and meRacing stars and common moons are planets
In the cosmos, we are free
There’s no atmosphere
And no obsessions
It’ll always be
It’ll always beOur home forever is, outer space
Black stars and endless seas, outer space
You hold your destinies, outer space
Forever we'll be in
Outer Space, outer space




When I left you, I flew
Did you fly too?
And nakedness befell my way
Only seen in light of dayI only want what I can’t have
I only need what I don’t want
I only want what I can’t have
I only need what I don’t wantAnd creativity, it haunts my soul
I asked not to be alone
You don’t have to ask me for my hand
I already know where I standI only want what I can’t have
I only need what I don’t want
I only want what I can’t have
I only need what I don’t wantAnd consequences in the future
And feel it as now
I now I can’t feel the future
But I can be there for you nowI only want what I can’t have
I only need what I don’t want
I only want what I can’t have
I only need what I don’t want

Dangerous and moving

They say, they don't trust,
You, me, we, us,
So we'll fall if we must,
Cause it's you, me,
And it's all about,
It's all aboutYou take it all away
But never give it back
And this is what you say
Their lies are yelling backAnd this is how they move
And this is how they sway
That danger is the truth
They die and come againObstacles and signs
Perilous and looming
Dangerous and moving
Dangerous and movingObstacles and signs
Perilous and looming
Dangerous and moving
Dangerous and movingNo mercy for the lost
No soothing for the sad
The line is never crossed
They are the living deadAnd this is how they move
And this is how they sway
That danger is the truth
They die and live againObstacles and signs
Perilous and looming
Dangerous and moving
Dangerous and movingObstacles and signs
Perilous and looming
Dangerous and moving
Dangerous and moving



Friend or foe

Is it too late
Nothing to salvage
You look away
Clear all the damageThe meaning to
All words of love
Has disappearedWe used to love one another
Give to each other
Lie under covers so,
Are you friend or foeLove one another
Live for each other
So, are you friend or foe
Cause I used to knowThe promises
Hollow concessions
And innocent show of affection
I touch your hand
A hologram
Are you still thereWe used to love one another
Give to each other
Lie under covers so,
Are you friend or foeLove one another
Live for each other
So, are you friend or foe
Cause I used to knowIs it too late
Nothing to salvage
You look away
Clear all the damageThe meaning to
All words of love
Has disappearedWe used to love one another
Give to each other
Lie under covers so,
Are you friend or foeLove one another
Live for each other
So, are you friend or foe
Cause I used to know




What I thought wasn’t mine
In the light
Was one of a kind,
A precious pearlWhen I wanted to cry
I couldn’t cause I
Wasn’t allowedGomen nasai for everything
Gomen nasai, I know I let you down
Gomen nasai till the end
I never needed a friend
Like I do nowWhat I thought wasn't all
So innocent
Was a delicate doll
Of porcelainWhen I wanted to call you
And ask you for help
I stopped myselfGomen nasai for everything
Gomen nasai, I know I let you down
Gomen nasai till the end
I never needed a friend
Like I do nowWhat I thought was a dream
An mirage
Was as real as it seemed
A privilegeWhen I wanted to tell you
I made a mistake
I walked awayGomen nasai, for everything
Gomen nasai, Gomen nasai,
I never needed a friend,
Like I do nowGomen nasai, I let you down
Gomen nasai, Gomen nasai,
Gomen nasai till the end
I never needed a friend
Like I do now



How Soon is Now ?

I am the son
I am the heir
Of a shyness that is criminally vulgar
I am the son and heir
Of nothing in particular

You shut your mouth
How can you say
I go about things the wrong way ?
I am human and I need to be loved
Just like everybody else does

There's a club if you'd like to go
You could meet somebody
who really loves you
So you go and you stand on your own
And you go home, and you cry,
And you want to die

When you say it's gonna happen now
What exactly do you mean ?
See I've already waited too long
And all my hope is gone

You shut your mouth
How can you say
I go about things the wrong way ?
I am human and I need to be loved
Just likeeverybody else does.
Loves me not

I complicated our lives
By falling in love with him
I complicated our lives
Now I’m losing my only friend
I don’t know why, I had to try
Living my life on the other side
Now I’m so confused
I don’t know what to doHe loves me, He loves me not
She loves me, She loves me not
He loves me, He loves me not
She loves me...I started blurring the lines
Because I didn’t care
I started crossing the line
Cause you were never thereNo where to turn,
No one to help,
It’s almost like I don’t even know myself
Now I have to choose
I don’t know what to doHe loves me, He loves me not
She loves me, She loves me not
He loves me, He loves me not
She loves me, she loves meHe loves me, He loves me not
She loves me, She loves me not
He loves me, He loves me not
She loves me...No where to turn,
No one to help,
It’s almost like I don’t even know myself
Now I have to choose
I don’t know what to doHe loves me, He loves me not
She loves me, She loves me not
He loves me, He loves me not
She loves me, She loves me notHe loves me, He loves me not
She loves me, She loves me not
He loves me, He loves me not
She loves me, She loves me not
Loves me not...


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